Business Card Designs

Note: these show an old, incorrect address & phone number


These are ten examples of business card designs for android originals, which will fit together on a single 8.5 x 11 inch page. The font on each card is chosen to fit the image and colored from points on the image. The little blue rectangles at the bottom of each card show where to punch the card for a Rolodex (tm). On many business cards, doing that knocks out part of the phone number. Each card includes an image from my stock, with copyright. The images are 720 dpi printed at 1440 dpi. Printing with dye ink using an Epson SP1280 printer on Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper produces very sharp images and fonts with a unique look, even on such a small size. I intend each card to be a small work of my art, to stand out from most others in a Rolodex.   More...


© 2004 don baker