Artist's Bio
I have been involved in photography off and on since the late
1960s, when I took courses in Minor White's lab at MIT. Minor
taught us to see things in a Zen state of concentration and relaxation.
When I make images I do not consider any philosophy of art. I
merely look for the patterns of light, color, form and texture
that somehow resonate in my mind. Sometimes the camera fails
to produce what I see; sometimes I do. Once in a while, it works
out, all the way to the print. This seeking the light is no less
creative than the things that I do as a scientist or engineer,
but much more relaxing. I have used it many times as an anodyne
to tension and strife.
The last several years, medical problems have made it
more difficult to get out and shoot pictures. I have gravitated
more to digital photography and image making. Scanning my personal
stock of prints and slides, or shooting with digital cameras,
avoids the expense and time spent in the darkroom I no longer
have, and still fulfills my need to create.
- 1992 - Two prints in The 32nd Annual Art Zone Show, Jewish
Community Center, Denver CO
- May, 1996 - Three prints in the Mother's Day Show, Jim and
Brent's Bistro, Eureka Springs AR
- August, 1996 - One-man show, Out of Depression, Boatmen's
National Bank of Northwest Arkansas, On the Square, Fayetteville
AR -- reviewed by Becca Bacon Martin, The Morning News of Northwest
Arkansas, Friday, Aug 9, 1996, page D1
© 2002 don baker, android originals |