(c) 2016 don baker dba android originals LC
These knobs are all ¼” Yellowheart glued over ½” Red Oak. Both grains are horizontal and at 90 degrees with respect to each other. So the knobs have a flash of iridescence from side grain of one or the other layer every 90 degrees. The iridescence of the Yellowheart show in the bottom image, but the iridescence of Red Oak in the top image is less evident. All three knobs have some metallic Inca Gold paint applied to cut grooves and crevices in the grain. Knob 248 has some metallic Antique Copper applied to the Red Oak. All the knobs are finished with polished SG and Kiwi neutral shoe polish.
As in earlier knobs, the end of an 1/8” bamboo dowel shows in the top center of knob 249. In this case, the bamboo dowel ended up off center, so this method was not used in the other two knobs.